Monday, September 26, 2005

Infinite GRACIAS!

Discovered I could accesss my hard drive that I thought had died. Oh happy day!!! and yes Miracles do happen. A huge sigh of relief; My bro, JP just turned me onto the Greenday video, WAKE ME UP WHEN TOMARROW COMES on his laptop while we download music and reconfigure my whole computer world...eye of the storm! Seems all this war in the world, the hurricanes,
and everything going on in the world, there are artists, film makers, musicians, writers, and everyday people who are trying to make messages to impact societies way of thinking. Most of the people I know believe in making the world a better place. They also DO IT, from gardening the Grand Canyon from invasive species, to taking young people down the river, racing to save the planet via Nascar, and perserving the rain forest, falling in love, eating honey, reading books, and passing along notes of hope and Michael Moore; I hope my work will be one drop added to a giant wave that will help change the course we're on. I believe in goodness, and I am amazed everyday at what I have to be grateful for-to be aware. I had accepted that IF I had lost everything on my hard drive that it was really small in comparrison; but like a milagro, a promise, because of this miracle, I hope to keep making images that say YES to life, to beauty, to grace, to diversity, to make a difference.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

AZ sky

so good to beback home in AZ. Dkish and I on our return trip from the Outdoor Retail Show in Salt Lake City, UT two days before we went to hte east coast.